Plymouth Black Lives Matter Protest

At 4 p.m. on a Wednesday afternoon, over 500 people were at Kellogg Park. They were there to peacefully protest against police brutality and racism as a response to the killing of George Floyd. Protestors were holding signs and chanting, No justice, no peace. The protests thankfully stayed peaceful, unlike some other protests. Other protests in other places ended badly. For example, the cofederate stature in Richromd toppled during the protest. Most of the places had peaceful protests though.

End Result

After billions and billions of people had protested for days, George Floyd finally got justice. Four cops were associated with George Floyd's death. Derek Chauvin, the one who pressed his knee into Floyd's neck while he was lying on the street, got charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. J. Alexander Kueng, who helped restrain Floyd along with Thomas Lane, got charged with aiding second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Thomas Lane, who helped restrain Floyd along with Derek Chauvin and J. Alexander Kueng, was charged with aiding second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Tou Thao, who had stood near the officers as they restrained Floyd, was charged with aiding second-degree murder and second degree manslaughter. They all have a bail of $1 million and have been fired from their jobs.

More info about the cops and their charges.

PDF Version: Online News Article.

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